A junior competition was held last Friday and Saturday 17-18. October 2008. Seven groups took part in it. They came from different parts of Hungary, and also from abroad. There were students from Rimaszombat (Slovakia), Sepsiszentgyörgy (Romania), Ibrány, Budapest, and three teams were from Eger: There was one was from the Szent Lőrinc Secondary School and two groups were from the Neumann János Secondary School and Student Hostel (our school).
We were in the audience on Friday afternoon when presentations were held about different enterprises. The order was randomly chosen. The first slideshow was about the Chevrolet enterprise, its foundation and success. The students from Budapest were speaking about Palmetta bt.. Then came the Slovak group, they were very well-prepared and their presentation was about a petrol station. They greeted everybody in different languages. After that a metal-vehicle industy was introduced. The fifth was about Domo Retail J.S.C. presented by the Romanians. Then the students from the Szent Lőrinc Secondary School introduced their confectionery where they can practice baking cakes. They were speaking in Hungarian so during that time Fanni and Dalma translated into English for two members of the jury who came from England and Belgium. The last but not the least team was a dual language class from the Neumann. They introduced their own student enterprise named HaiRebirth. They can show people new hairstyles without cutting their hair down, with the help of a computer programme. After these gorgeous presentations the groups had to solve some tasks, but by that time we had already gone. The competition continued on Saturday, and probably the winner team was announced, but unfortunately I don’t know the results.
It was a great experience to see a part of this competition, and I think next year we won’t be the audience because we will take part in it as a competitor group.
22. October 2008. Eger Kardos Boglárka 11.e, Neumann |